Fenugreek Curry Lamb Popsicles - Caity
I remember the first time I tasted these lamb popsicles. I must have eaten at least a whole rack to myself. I asked for these lamb popsicles for about 5 years on my birthday and Brendan continues to ask for this, not just for his birthday, but several times a year. My mom first tried this recipe when she was give n the "Vij's" coo kb ook by Barb Cochrane, a Can a dian friend who highly recommended the la mb popsicles , and it instantly became a f avo ri te . Vij's is an Indian restaurant in Vancouver, Canada and it is well-known worldwide as having some of the best Indian food. This summer, Erin and I drove to Vancouver and we decided going to Vij's was one of the biggest "have to's" of the trip. We knew the restaurant was incredibly popular and would be very crowded so we got there at 5:00 right when the restaurant opens. We were told it would be about an hour wait so we grabbed a seat in the bar and were served all sorts of delicious ...